Archives : Sep, 2014
University of Tokyo master course: Takatsugu Hayasaka
University of Tokyo mastert course: Yiheng Guo
In our lab there is an excellent academic atmosphere, and everyone has a strong interested in mathematics and physics.
Especially in the fields of high-harmonic generation and atto-second laser, we are the world’s leading laboratory.
If you are interested in these fields, please do not hesitate to join us!
University of Tokyo master course: Pei Luo
University of Tokyo mastert course: Hiromichi Hayashi
Ryo Okumura, M1
Our lab has no core time, and you can learn at your own pace. It is a great environment where you can learn the basics of quantum mechanics and its applications to lasers, quantum computers, etc. from professors and senior students. If you are interested in quantum mechanics and simulation, please come and join us.