University of Tokyo Project Researcher: Haifeng Lang,

Haifeng Lang, Project Researcher





Project Researcher
Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management,
School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo




Current Research Theme

Classical and quantum computing of ultrafast dynamics



Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D) 2022.11, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; Bachelor of Science 2016.06, Peking University (No master)

Work Experiences

2020.01 ~2023.09   Research Fellow at University of Trento
2023.10 ~present       Project Researcher, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo


1.    Maarten Van Damme, Haifeng Lang (#), Philipp Hauke, Jad C Halimeh, Reliability of lattice gauge theories in the thermodynamic limit. Phys. Rev. B 107(3), 035153 (2023). (# co-first author).
2.    Haifeng Lang, Philipp Hauke, Johannes Knolle, Fabian Grusdt, Jad C Halimeh, Disorder-free localization with stark gauge protection. Phys. Rev. B 106(17), 174305 (2022). (Editors’ suggestions)
3.    Jad C Halimeh, Haifeng Lang, Philipp Hauke, Gauge protection in non-Abelian lattice gauge theories. New J. Phys. 24(3), 033015 (2022).
4.    Yanan Wang, Xinyu Song, Liwei Zhuang, Haifeng Lang, Liangmin Yu, Xuefeng Yan, Zhiyu He, Kinetic control of Phytic acid/Lixisenatide/Fe (III) ternary nanoparticles assembly process for sustained peptide release. Int. J. Pharm. 611, 121317 (2022).
5.    Jad C Halimeh, Haifeng Lang, Julius Mildenberger, Zhang Jiang, Philipp Hauke. Gauge-Symmetry Protection Using Single-Body Terms, PRX Quantum 2(4), 040311 (2021).
6.    Haifeng Lang, Oriol Vendrell, Philipp Hauke, Generalized discrete truncated Wigner approximation for nonadiabatic quantum-classical dynamics. J. Chem. Phys. 155(2), 024111 (2021).
7.    Yingjie Zhang, Xiang Lu, Haifeng Lang, Zhongxiao Man, Yunjie Xia, Heng Fan, Quantum speedup dynamics process without non-Markovianity. Quantum Inf Process 20(3), 1-21, (2021).
8.    Zheng-An Wang, Zheng-Hang Sun, Yu Zeng, Haifeng Lang, Qiantan Hong, Jian Cui, Heng Fan, Diagonal entropy in many-body systems: Volume effect and quantum phase transitions. Phys. Lett. A 384(16), 126333 (2020).
9.    Haifeng Lang, Yixin Chen, Qiantan Hong, Heng Fan. Dynamical quantum phase transition for mixed states in open systems. Phys. Rev. B 98(13), 134310 (2018).
10.    Qiantan Hong, Zi-Yong Ge, Wen Wang, Haifeng Lang, Zheng-An Wang, Yi Peng, Jin-Jun Chen, Li-Hang Ren, Yu Zeng, Liang-Zhu Mu, Heng Fan, A Universal Quantum Computing Virtual Machine. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06511 (2018).
11.    Ting Cheng, Haifeng Lang (#), Zhenzhu Li, Zhongfan Liu, and Zhirong Liu. Anisotropic carrier mobility of distorted Dirac cones: theory and application. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19(35), 23942-23950 (2017). (# co-first author)
12.    Haifeng Lang, Shuqing Zhang, and Zhirong Liu. Mobility anisotropy of two-dimensional semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 94(23), 235306 (2016).


Welcome and wish to meet you in Ishikawa/Sato Lab !